Sunday, September 22, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

In The Crucible, John Proctor is one of the main characters, and the actions that he's made makes the audience think - should John Proctor be remembered as hero or a stooge? Quite honestly, I'd consider him both.

"Stooge - (n) - a person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work". This would have to be the most accurate definition for John Proctor. Before his confession to performing witchcraft, John was just a normal man - he was married, he had kids, he owned land, plus he was known as a respectable young man. Then his wife, Elizabeth, was accused of performing witchcraft. Before you know it, John was a witch, who was unfortunately hung for performing witchcraft. John obviously only did that to save his wife's life, and he did do some unpleasant work. Work that led to him being killed.

"Hero - (n) - a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal". This definition would also have to be the most accurate for John Proctor. Although he could be considered a stooge, he could also be considered a hero. Him sacrificing his life saved many other lives, including his wife's.  He also ended chaos in the village, ending the paradox. 


  1. You have a point. But which does he show more?

  2. Do you think he sacrificed his life only because he felt guilty of committing adultery and didn't want to be remembered like that?

    1. I honestly haven't thought about that until now! That could've been a reason, but it's kind of hard to decide. He could've sacrificed his life for that reason or he could've done it to save his wife. Or both. Lmbo. I'm clearly indecisive.
