Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritan

After reading The Crucible and continuing to read The Scarlet Letter, I'd have to say that Puritans are the most strict group of "Christians" I've ever heard of. Thank God the Puritans don't exist in society today. Or do they? Is there a such thing called a Modern Puritan? Unfortunately yes.

Modern Puritans still exist in today's world, though they're not as severe as they were back then. In the 16th and 17th century, Puritans had combined law and religion, making life really bland and hard to live by. Though they handle things the wrong way (according to modern people), all they wanted to do was make their little village(s) a better place, despite how they got rid of sinners. The modern Puritans today would be have to be us human beings. 

Human beings are criticizers, even if we don't know it. For example. People who do drugs. How would human beings react? "Oh my goodness. He knows drugs are bad for him. Why is he doing drugs? He can get sick and probably die from drugs. People who do drugs are slow - they don't know the consequence of doing drugs, obviously. He'll learn his lesson". Yes, WE are the modern day Puritans! We have standards. We have "opinions". We have the list of good things we should do and the list of bad things we shouldn't do. We automatically judge people. We (sometimes) don't think of the reason(s) why someone would do something so bad. Ok, we aren't as strict as the Puritans back then. We don't kill people who do bad. But we do bring them down socially, mentally, and verbally. Us human beings are unfortunately the modern day Puritans.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

In The Crucible, John Proctor is one of the main characters, and the actions that he's made makes the audience think - should John Proctor be remembered as hero or a stooge? Quite honestly, I'd consider him both.

"Stooge - (n) - a person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work". This would have to be the most accurate definition for John Proctor. Before his confession to performing witchcraft, John was just a normal man - he was married, he had kids, he owned land, plus he was known as a respectable young man. Then his wife, Elizabeth, was accused of performing witchcraft. Before you know it, John was a witch, who was unfortunately hung for performing witchcraft. John obviously only did that to save his wife's life, and he did do some unpleasant work. Work that led to him being killed.

"Hero - (n) - a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal". This definition would also have to be the most accurate for John Proctor. Although he could be considered a stooge, he could also be considered a hero. Him sacrificing his life saved many other lives, including his wife's.  He also ended chaos in the village, ending the paradox. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arrivals...There Goes the Neighborhood

I've always grown up on the westside. I was born on the westside, I currently live on the westside, but I'm not gonna die on the westside. Though I've been living on the westside for all my life, I'm still not completely used to living there. 

I've been attending school in Little Italy for practically all my life - Andrew Jackson for 9 years and now I'm going to Whitney Young. I'm used to being around a variety of races, used to people speaking proper around me, used to people dressing appropriate around me, the sidewalks being completely empty because everyone was at school or work. I have many friends whose parents has a good income; when I go over their house, it feels like I'm still in Little Italy - their neighborhood is almost perfect. However, it's the complete opposite when I get home. Thinking that there still isn't gonna be anyone out because they're either on their way home or still at work, I find everyone outside. Males with their pants sagging and sometimes no shirt on, regardless of how their body looks. Females sitting on porches talking on their phone and eating. People looking in my car trying to see if I want to buy something or if they know me; it doesn't even matter if you know them or not - that happens to everyone who drives by. Loud music blasting from homes and cars. I see all African-Americans, no Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics. The only GOOD thing I'd say about the part I live in is that there isn't a lot of violence. No rapes, shootings, or robberies like there is on the south side. It's just a lot of lazy people standing around all day, obviously selling drugs.

The westside is starting to change though. I'm not sure if it's because it's a lot easier to get downtown, cheaper to live on the westside than downtown, near their jobs, near a college they attend. The westside is starting to become more diverse. On my way home, I'm starting to see Caucasians walk around and Hispanics standing at bus stops. I see more stores opening up and less corner stores closing. I see the sidewalks being fixed and buildings being repainted. More police patrols. Obviously the government sees more people moving to the westside, so now they decide to pay attention to what needs fixing and cares about how our neighborhood looks, plus cares about if we're safe or not. The new arrivals...are Caucasians.