Sunday, March 30, 2014

Old Money, New Money, and Everybody Else

The possibility of money changing who someone is is extremely likely, despite when you get the money. Someone could be born with money, whilst someone could get money when they grow up. 

Old money is when money is carried down through generations:
  • "Old money is "the inherited wealth of established upper‑class families" or "a person, family, or lineage possessing inherited wealth.""
  • Families that has been apart of the inherited wealth are: the Astor family, the DuPont family, the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, and so forth. Having "old money" can provide a great number of possibilities. As seen in The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan was able to go to a prestigious school, Yale, due to his family connections - he did not necessarily have the brains.

    Nouveau riche (or new money) is when money is earned by a recent generation by themselves: 

    "Sociologically, nouveau riche describes the man or woman who previously had belonged to a lower social class and economic stratum (rank) within that class; and that the new money—which constitutes his or her wealth—allowed upward social mobility and provided the means for conspicuous consumption".

    Nick Carraway and his family is the example of nouveau riche. His family not too long ago started a business and earned their money by themselves. The money has not been traveling down many generations. 

    Gatsby is a person who is exclusive and cut off.